12:00 AM - 12:01 AM
Glen Lake Canoe/Kayak Rack Rental 2025 - Canoe/Kayak Rack Rental 2025 RENTAL POLICIES/INFORMATION:• Rentals are for kayaks, canoes or SUP’s (watercraft) only and storage slotsCANNOT be sub-leased to others.• Renters must provide their own cable and lock to secure all watercraft — rentersassume all risks and are responsible for any damage to, or theft of, their ownwatercraft.• Storage rack is for watercraft only — paddles and personal equipment CANNOTbe stored. Renter is responsible for all equipment that is left on-site.• ALL watercraft must be removed from the rack on or before OCTOBER 30 —those left after October 30 will be removed and the owner charged a $50 servicefee.• The previous season renters are given first priority to re-rent for the nextseason. Rental agreements will be sent to previous renters on or around April1 — all slots not rented by May 12 will be open and available for new rentersbeginning May 15. If interest/demand necessitates, any new slots will be filledvia a lottery system.• Stored watercraft should be within the following size standards — 36” wide x 28”high x 18 ft. long and weigh less than approximately 80 lbs.• Park’s staff reserves the right to cut any lock and remove any watercraft, underthe condition it deems necessary for the proper and safe function of the boatstorage rack.• There will be NO REFUNDS of a canoe/kayak rental fee. A discount of $50 willbe given to any agreements taking place on or after September 1.• Renter agrees to use ONLY the storage slot that was assigned in the rentalcontract.